Mr Perfect Linda Howard 9780743482882 Books

Mr Perfect Linda Howard 9780743482882 Books
I just reread this book, I think for the third time. I originally read it when it first came out.I remembered the villain -no surprise - because he was definitely one of the most screwed up and ultra-violent characters I've ever read. But I'd forgotten the heroine and hero, Jaine and Sam.
Reading this book now, it did seem dated. What really hit me was the way sexual harassment was tolerated and even expected by the female characters. We've come a long way, baby, without even realizing it!
The first part of the story struck me as just too cutesy and forced. (SPOILER ALERT): But I liked that I didn't even realize the "drunkard" was the hero. Jaine came across as phony/adorable, like a bad sitcom character. But somewhere in there, the story took hold and the chemistry between Jaine and Sam exploded. Their interactions, dialogue and relationship sparkled with reality and life. The way they reacted to each other was super hot, believable and very amusing. The friendship of the four women was wonderfully described, and each woman was a distinct, visceral and unique character. It heightened the suspense of their endangerment from the deranged villain because I cared about each one. (SPOILER ALERT): It must be hard to be a writer having to create very likable characters that you then have to kill off. Horrible!
The suspense and the police procedural part of the story didn't hold up because Sam (a detective) and his fellow cops had to be completely incompetent to miss the crucial key to the identity of the villain.
But this is a keeper, even with the anachronisms and gaping holes of credibility. The characters carry this story, not the plot: the fiery romance, the sexual and verbal sparks between Jaine and Sam, Jaine's interactions with her three friends and her sister. And above all, the inner thoughts and actions of an unforgettable and horrifying villain!

Tags : Mr. Perfect [Linda Howard] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <B>What would make the perfect man?</B> <P> That's the deliciously racy topic that Jaine Bright and her three girlfriends are pondering one night at their favorite after-hours hot spot: Mr. Perfect. Would he be tall,Linda Howard,Mr. Perfect,Pocket Books,0743482883,General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction General,Romance - General
Mr Perfect Linda Howard 9780743482882 Books Reviews
Wow, have ya'll ever heard of this great author, Linda Howard????
Bwahaha....just kidding! Okay, so I'm knew to the greatness that is Linda Howard. I've always heard of her and never really got into anything. Call me a cover whore - I've just never been interested in hers.
I finally broke down and forced myself to read Mr. Perfect. Needless to say I loved it.
...yeah so thanks Linda Howard. Thanks for writing a phenomenal book, and maybe it was over 10 years ago, BUT nothing in romance ever changes!I loved the side characters *tear*** I loved the whole premise of the story. Great flow, great writing......I may have to join CWA to get my cover whoreish ways under control.
If you want something with a great strong Alpha, a well written, well loved heroine, a HEA and a truly suspenseful, enjoyable read then STOP READING THIS REVIEW AND BUY THE BOOK ALREADY.
I promise, PROMISE you will love it from the beginning. Super yum!
I haven't laughed out loud while reading a suspense novel in years!
This author has a knack for believable romantic comedy.
Her plots are believable and solid. The characters are well written and developed.
I laughed until it hurt, but am willing to do it again. This book is a keeper, for rereading when you want a quick read.
This is going to be full of *******SPOILERS******* so consider yourself warned.
First of all, I don't like suspense and have never read anything by Linda Howard before, but I really enjoyed this book and am going to read more by this author. I think her use of humor was key in keeping my interest.
One of the only complaints I have about the book was that The List was not nearly interesting enough, profound enough, or entertaining enough to warrant that much attention from the media. All of the items are things most women have on our own mental checklists anyway. I just pretended that The List was more titillating and was able to deal with it that way. The List as the catalyst for the psycho villain, however, was sufficient the way it was actually written. Corin didn't need much to push him over the edge.
I really enjoyed the way the friendships between the four women were portrayed and I liked that they all had both very distinct personalities and roles within the group. I especially liked T.J. and the way her marriage issues were handled was lovely - there was no big blowup and no magic fix, but there was hope.
The way Jaine and Sam went so quickly from hate to marriage was eye roll worthy, but it's a romance novel so I'm okay with it. I like the way they appreciated each other's snark. Their sexual relationship is my only other complaint, or rather how that started. They thought it was too risky pregnancy-wise to have sex with a condom on but had sex WITHOUT a condom the day after Jaine started birth control. Ummm... you are still fertile after one day on birth control. It takes a while for the hormones to kick in. They get their HAE so I guess it's not a big deal if she does get pregnant, but the condom vs pill thing was silly.
I have no complaints regarding the actual sex. It was very hot and well written.
I got a kick out of the dated technology. I've read a lot of historical romance written twenty years ago or more, but not contemporary. The Caller ID and flip phone references were funny, but when Sam downloaded a file that was a few hundred KB and it took over a half hour? Hilarious.
By far, the most three dimensional character in the book was Corin, far more so than Jaine or Sam. He was incredibly creepy, but the author did an incredible job making me, the reader, feel like I was really seeing into the mind of a psychopath. I was surprised, considering that I don't have much experience with the subgenre and considering that I was reading a romance, at just how graphically the gruesome details were written. I actually had to read some of the passages aloud to my husband and even he got a disturbed look on his face. I think it was necessary, though, to really show just how sick Corin's mind really was.
So... This book was definitely not my usual fare, but I enjoyed it and, while it was far from perfect, I will definitely read more by this author.
I just reread this book, I think for the third time. I originally read it when it first came out.
I remembered the villain -no surprise - because he was definitely one of the most screwed up and ultra-violent characters I've ever read. But I'd forgotten the heroine and hero, Jaine and Sam.
Reading this book now, it did seem dated. What really hit me was the way sexual harassment was tolerated and even expected by the female characters. We've come a long way, baby, without even realizing it!
The first part of the story struck me as just too cutesy and forced. (SPOILER ALERT) But I liked that I didn't even realize the "drunkard" was the hero. Jaine came across as phony/adorable, like a bad sitcom character. But somewhere in there, the story took hold and the chemistry between Jaine and Sam exploded. Their interactions, dialogue and relationship sparkled with reality and life. The way they reacted to each other was super hot, believable and very amusing. The friendship of the four women was wonderfully described, and each woman was a distinct, visceral and unique character. It heightened the suspense of their endangerment from the deranged villain because I cared about each one. (SPOILER ALERT) It must be hard to be a writer having to create very likable characters that you then have to kill off. Horrible!
The suspense and the police procedural part of the story didn't hold up because Sam (a detective) and his fellow cops had to be completely incompetent to miss the crucial key to the identity of the villain.
But this is a keeper, even with the anachronisms and gaping holes of credibility. The characters carry this story, not the plot the fiery romance, the sexual and verbal sparks between Jaine and Sam, Jaine's interactions with her three friends and her sister. And above all, the inner thoughts and actions of an unforgettable and horrifying villain!

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